Conference Information
WORSHIP EXPO is coming!!!
We are very excited to present to you the 2015 WORSHIP EXPO Web site. There are still several tracks we are developing and leaders we are still pursuing. Please be prayerfully patient as we finalize the list.
Please pass this information on to your worship team members i.e. choir, orchestra, praise team, praise band, children’s choir leaders, technicians, and senior pastors.
Registration Costs:
$90 (Full Conference)
$60 (Thursday only)
$70 (Friday only)
Leadership Reward Packages
This applies to all leaders who are responsible for registering people from their church. Leaders who cannot attend, may give the Reward Package away to another leader from his/her church i.e. Associate Worship Pastor, Instrumental Director, Children’s Choir Director, etc.
Silver Package – for registering a minimum of 10 paid (Registered) people
- 1 complimentary registration ($90 value)
- 3 complimentary meal boxes ($30 value)
- Total Value - $120
Gold Package – for registering a minimum of 20 paid (Registered) people
- 1 complimentary registration ($90 value)
- 3 complimentary meal boxes ($30 value)
- 2 nights hotel stay ($250 value)
- Total Value - $370
Special Rate for Florida Worship Choir & Orchestra Members
$70 (Active members only)
Registration deadline is Thursday, September 12, 2015. ALL registrations after September 12th will result in a $20 increase per person.
Please take advantage of this opportunity to be encouraged, inspired, and equipped. Scripture teaches us to be skillful and multiply the gift that is within us. WORSHIP EXPO is specially designed for worship leaders and all worship team members i.e. choir, orchestra, praise team, praise band, children’s choir leaders, technicians, and senior pastors.
WORSHIP EXPO is more than a conference, it is an experience. It is our desire for you to experience something that will not only be a benefit to your ministry, but has the potential to transform your life.
Enthusiastically waiting for WORSHIP EXPO to begin,
Click here for a link to a downloadable registration form
Click here for information on the Conference location
Click here for a downloadable flyer